Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Yet Another Kitten Tale

I've been doing a suuuuper awesome job bingeing lately. Eating. Drinking. Watching TV. Shopping. I've been rocking it all. Some may call it manic but I call it taking advantage of the one life we have. YOLO! Here is a story that leads into another story that makes this all relevant.

Part One
When I was up in the behavioral unit aka "let's not call it a psych ward" I met quite a few people. A couple of them I became fairly close with, such as T. Not her real name because I'm not going to do her like that so we will just call her T. T has what I have plus a couple other things. Super nice, quiet, pretty young woman. We spent most of our days just hanging out, waiting to see the doctor and hoping for discharge so we had plenty of time to walk the hall and talk. One of my THE favorite conversation I was apart of while up there was the time we were talking about when we get manic, what we do. I usually get anxious, then upset, then I start cleaning. Sometimes I eat, for awhile I was working out a lot, shopping is also fun. Then it was T's turn, which turned out to be the best freaking reply I have ever heard in my life. T would get manic and buy dogs. Specifically chihuahuas. She only had two at the time but she would like acquire chihuahuas then rehome them to make sure they were going to good dog parents. I instantly knew we would be friends forever at that point. Unfortunately, I never got her last name before my discharge and we may never talk to each other again, which really bums me out. You can't exactly call and ask, "Hey. Can you tell me the name of the person I was hospitalized with?" So even though I have searched and searched Facebook, I will probably never find her. Sad :(

Part Two
On Friday I was feeling a little anxious and manic. I was off all day so it would have been a perfect time to clean but instead I decided to make a hair appointment and figure out how to pay bills and then stress out over said bills. I was completely in a panic as I came to the realization I was going to have to start soliciting aka prostituting to pay my bills, then I did more math and really started to freak out when I realized how many clients I'd have to have on average, I had to figure out a way to calm myself down. So I left town a little early to drive out to my hairdresser's, smoking 600 cigarettes on my way there. By the way, smoking totally disgusting and I definitely do not recommend it. It's the worst. Anyways I drove out to her little town, right outside of my town. Just as I pulled in she text me saying she'd be a little late, so I text her that I was a little early. Being it was 1:45pm on a Friday, I told her to text me when she got home, I was driving the next town over to go to the bar. While I was enjoying myself, I saw a post on Facebook from a friend who works at a car dealership. Apparently someone had brought their car in to be tuned or fixed or whatever and there was 3 little kittens in it! Not sure where in the car, I'm guessing the hood but I like my own version where the kittens actually stole the car, they are ninja rebel kittens, but noticed the oil change light was on and being that not all kittens are complete assholes they kindly took the car in to be serviced. I'm probably not accurate but since I have no other story, I'm sticking with that one. Regardless, they found three kittens and called the shelter to come get them. Me being manic, one Coors Light deep into day drinking and reminiscing about my good friend T and her life choices, I decided that I NEEDED one of the kittens. I have been wanting a cat for awhile but could never get one because Rob is deathly allergic.Well now that things are happening as they are, I am free to have as many cats as I please, at least until my landlord finds out and evicts me. Which, honestly, just means I can have even more cats so it's a win-win! Anyways, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce.......C.C. (short for Cool Cat because I am very original)


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